How did we get to this place? In one of the last remaining conservative bastions in a state gone neo-Marxist, the area’s community college district – Kern County CCD – is at the vanguard of the same poisonous revolution engulfing Sacramento and the Left-happy denizens on the populous coastal plain. I left the state, and a near 30-year academic career in the county, because there’s no escaping the toxic governing philosophy that holds sway over the entire state. County boundaries are no protection. The lines don’t shelter your schools from being engines of state-sanctioned revolutionary indoctrination.
I got out. You too may be left with no other option.
The happenings in the District and its main Bakersfield College campus are a scandal. A few names and words typify the sickening situation. Sonya Christian (no “Dr.” designation because it is reserved for those who passed their medical boards; PhDs in Education don’t qualify), English instructor Paula Parks (no “Dr.” designation; ditto), John Corkins (radicalized president of the Kern Community College Board of Trustees), radical jargon like DEI, and faculty counterrevolutionaries such as Daymon Johnson, Matthew Garrett, and Erin Miller of The Renegade Institute for Liberty at Bakersfield College (see Facebook page below)
Karl Marx wrote and spoke of a “false consciousness” among the people that prevents the revolutionary uprising. “False consciousness” is reserved for those who simply disagree, the counterrevolutionaries. It must be overcome and control of the schools is essential to that end. In a recent meeting of the Board of Trustees, its president, John Corkins, reminiscent of Lenin before his Council of People’s Commissars, called for the extermination of faculty who dare to oppose the revolution’s DEI ideology. Corkins said in reference to the faculty critics of the revolution’s doctrines – in essence, those guilty of “false consciousness” – of the need to “cull the herd”. He said, “We put a rope on some of ’em and take ’em to the slaughterhouse”.

In 1918, a Bolshevik organ, Krasnaya Gazeta, in the midst of their revolution put it in similar terms: “Without mercy, without sparing, we will kill our enemies in scores of hundreds. Let them be thousands; let them drown themselves in their own blood . . . . let there be floods of the blood of the bourgeois – more blood, as much as possible.” Culling the herd, indeed.
More shocking were the reputed erudites seated to his right at the trustee table who were smiling, giggling, and nodding in approval. See for yourself in the video clip from the meeting. It was a monstrous display of revolutionary groupthink.
Corkins was caught in the fever of a revolutionary moment, like the editors of Krasnaya Gazeta, and subsequently apologized. Yet, it’s a window into the mind of a revolutionary. In that mind lies a modern manifestation of an old revolutionary dialectic in the form of DEI – “Diversity, Equity, Inclusion”, or more accurately, “Discrimination, Exclusion, Indoctrination” in the words of Wisconsin’s Robin Voss (R.), Speaker of the Wisconsin State Assembly.
“Diversity” is code for a return to race-based hiring, promotions, and admissions. “Equity” is code for a spoils system for selected “protected classes” (synonymous with the Marxist “oppressed”). “Inclusion” is code for excising western civilization from instruction and replacing it with a litany of oppression by oppressors noted for their light pigmentation, male genitalia, and membership in wealthier societies. “Privilege” and “systemic” is more jargon to that end.
How any of this can pass the muster of the Supreme Court’s Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard and UNC decisions (2023) is difficult to imagine. Chief Justice John Roberts put it succinctly in an earlier case (2007) when he wrote in the majority opinion, “The way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race.” DEI is illegal if the rule of law has any meaning today.
Some didn’t get the Roberts memo, or more accurately ignored it in a brazen flaunting of the rule of law. The state’s Leninist Attorney General, Rob Bonta, rushed to the defense of Sonya Christian, chancellor of the state’s community college system and past president of both the Kern Community College District and Bakersfield College, and the target of lawsuits filed by faculty victims of the purge and loyalty oaths to the revolution. Bonta tried to recast the DEI mandates as advice, suggestions, or general guidelines, or “competencies” in Christian’s words. DEI “competencies” (or whatever) “advising” descriptions of the ways that the faculty will implement the revolution’s doctrines into classroom management, instruction, and grading is ipso facto forced endorsement of the revolution. Orwell’s Ministry of Truth would be proud.

Others have also noticed the discrepancy between the law and California’s zeal for neo-Marxist revolution in the upper reaches of its community colleges. In a matter related to the lawsuit filed by the Institute for Free Speech on behalf of BC history professor Daymon Johnson against the district’s forced fealty to “anti-racist” ideology, a U.S. magistrate judge ruled that the district was wrong for stepping into a spat between faculty members Johnson and English prof Andrew Bond. At issue was an incendiary Facebook post by Bond:
“Maybe Trump’s comment about sh**hole countries was a statement of projection because honestly, the US is a f***ing piece of sh** nation. Go ahead and quote me, conservatives.”

Johnson responded by suggesting that Bond “move to China”. And for that, Bond filed an administrative complaint of bullying against Johnson. Hyper-sensitive academics unable to engage in discourse have no business instructing anyone’s student body. The magistrate’s ruling is advisory while the lawsuit is pending before the Federal District Court for the Eastern District of California.
But it was the case regarding history prof Matthew Garrett that drew the ire of Corkins in his infamous remarks that “bad actors” like Garrett needed to be “culled” to the slaughterhouse. What was Garrett’s great and unforgiveable sin? He presented a different point of view to the reigning DEI orthodoxy on campus. He had the temerity of defending on free speech grounds “Smash Cultural Marxism”, etc., bumper stickers. And he was hauled before an administrative tribunal for criticizing the controversial University of Southern California Race and Equity Center poll on campus racism; trying to host a conservative speaker in violation of the school’s COVID restrictions at a time of approved progressive events, a jazz festival, football banquet, and a Day of the Dead celebration; and chiding “safe spaces” for black students as “segregation”. If Andrew Bond’s “the US is a f***ing piece of sh** nation” earns nary a glance of concern, what to make of the administrative hammer bearing down on Garrett for presenting a coherent alternative point of view?
Sonya Christian’s influence on campus during her tenure has been anything but salutary. She’s a lightning rod; her allegiance to neo-Marxist dogmas is provocative because the dogmas are provocative. They goad reaction because revolutions of this nature are totalitarian. They repudiate the central tenets of liberty which is a cornerstone of our society. The revolutionary ends now justify the revolutionary means.
Take a look, Kern County residents, at what your Board of Trustees is doing in your name. Please watch the clip. In the meantime, resist or leave the state. Your choices are simple at this juncture. Good luck.
* “California college trustee is forced to apologize after he was recorded saying anyone opposing woke anti-racism and ‘equity’ measures should be ‘roped’ and taken to the SLAUGHTERHOUSE”, Melissa Koenig, Daily Mail, 1/3/23, at
* “California’s Troubled Community-College System Just Got Worse”, Will Swaim, National Review, 12/16/23, at
* Daymon Johnson’s lawsuit case filing: “Johnson v. Watkin”, Institute for Free Speech, 6/5/23, at
* The Renegade Institute for Liberty at Bakersfield College Facebook page at
* “LENIN AND THE USE OF TERROR: SOME IMPORTANT QUOTATIONS”, World Future Fund, at,bourgeois%20-%20more%20blood%2C%20as%20much%20as%20possible.%E2%80%9D