Milieu: noun, a person’s social environment.
Trump and his boosters refer to DC as The Swamp for understandable reasons. More accurately, though, it’s an extended pack of wolves, a carnivore’s milieu.

What made the career employees of Big Government so hostile to Donald J. Trump? After all, there’s clear evidence that they had it in for him as he unwittingly stepped into their den by winning in 2016.
The latest disclosure to the Senate Judiciary Committee unveils a Russian Intelligence assessment that Hillary Clinton personally approved an operation in 2016 to “to stir up a scandal against U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump by tying him to Putin and the Russians’ hacking of the Democratic National Committee.” The news indicates that at least some in Russian Intelligence believed that she was up to no good, and therefore capable of being exploited to serve the Russian interest in sowing the seeds of discord within one of Russia’s adversaries, us.
The Democrats on the Judiciary Committee cried foul regarding these latest revelations, but the connection of Russiagate to Hillary can’t be dismissed out of hand. The Steele dossier was a predicate for the Obama administration’s dirty tricks on the Trump campaign. The money trail for the vile screed goes back to the Hillary campaign and the DNC. That’s true beyond question.

There existed in the wolf’s den – DC – a disposition to utilize anything real or imagined to discredit Trump, his people, and presidency by miring him in innuendo, and, boy, did they succeed. Using false evidence like the dossier and fueled by their hatred for Trump, they ginned up the FBI to spy on Trump and his people; staffed up an excessively protracted tribunal called the Mueller probe; turned willing accomplices in the bureaucracy to act under cover of “whistle-blower” to release and take out of context a phone call and then turn it overt to ravenous partisan predators in Congress; and hogtie his presidency in manufactured scandal for most of his term. This is more than a swamp with venomous vipers; it’s a forest overpopulated with wolves.

Ironies of all ironies, a stronger case for collusion with Russia is evident in Hillary’s and the DNC’s relationship with Russian disinformation operatives. It turns out that Christopher Steele was working with a known Russian agent. It can be credibly shown that the claims in Steele’s dossier was fed to him by this lone operative. From there, the thing ends up in affidavits for spying warrants on Trump and his campaign and in the hands of Democrat headhunters throughout DC. The wolves were given the scent.
It’s stunning that the American people might be poised to put those snarling wolves and band of headhunters back in power. Once they return to power, their skullduggery will be flushed down the memory hole and a lesson taught to the people for being so impertinent as to make a choice that the wolves and the rest in their milieu disapprove.
It’s also amazing that the American people might vote to bow before these self-styled lords.
